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  • Writer's pictureRebekah Rankin

More Busy Days

The days are quickly coming to an end, but they have been some of the best days yet. There is a new team here and have taken me in with open arms. We started off the week with the guys working at the school doing a lot of filling in with dirt and let me tell you they were working super hard. While the men did that the ladies headed out to the village to start building houses. They got four houses built and were ready to move along. I hung out at the feeding center with the kids and we had a blast, the jokes are still coming and the smiles are getting bigger. The kids are at the point where they keep asking when I am leaving and with each passing day the numbers are getting smaller and its getting harder to tell them the number of days, but we are still going strong with three days left. On Saturday I got to go out with the team building houses and that in itself was an adventure. We got on the road and not even twenty minutes into our drive the tool truck got a flat tire, so we had to get that fixed relying on my spanish speaking skills (which are not the best) but we got it fixed and an hour and a half later we got back on the road headed to the build site. When we arrive at the build sites we realized that none of the houses were remotely close together so I ended up driving around with the tool truck all day taking tools and picking people up from the different sites. It was definitely not the day I planned I would have, but it was a day that brought lots of laughs and lots of time to grow relationships. Then Saturday night we got to feed a few families that some people sponsor and seeing the smiles on everyone's faces when they met their sponsor family was so great. Then, Sunday morning we started bright and early headed out to the volcano. We provide food for about 300 families and they were so grateful. Some of these people walked over five miles just to get one bag of food. Being a part of that is a really humbling experience because you get to see the impact we are making in their lives, and see how appreciative they are while at the same time makes you stop and think how well off we are at home even when someone buys you the off brand oreos instead of the real ones. This week has already been great and I haven't even made it to the kids yet, but I know these next three days are going to be some of the best an worst days yet, but I'm ready for it.

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