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  • Writer's pictureRebekah Rankin

Weekend Fun!

Yesterday I had the privilege to hang out with the team in Antigua and shop with them. I made some more pretty great friends, we laughed, we found out we've got a lot in common, and we even got rained on, but that is all in the fun of Antigua. But before I got to hang out with the team I had an amazing time at church. A big thing for me especially at churches is people being intentional. This girl saw me sitting and came and sat by me and talked to me asking about my time down here and just getting to know me. I had never met this girl, but she realized that she didn't know me and took the time to get to know me. She is now in the process of living down here for a while, if not the rest of her life and we didn't get too in depth about why she was here, but man, she sure made an impact on me for sure. The message though was one that really stuck out to me because it is something everyone needs to hear. The message was entitled "You are worth fighting for" and their was one main point that they said that everyone hears often, but it is so true and that is, "your relationship with Christ is not only an inward transformation, but it is a change that is meant to have an outward transformation on the world around you". Which is so so true. We can go about our days trying to put our faith in our significant others, in our parents, in our friends, but in reality the ONLY thing we can rely 100% on is putting our faith in Jesus Christ. When we put our faith in God, we are stable, because He is stable. Why would we even think to put our faith into something that isn't as stable as a God who is with us every single minute of the day? For me, the take away from all of this is that YOUR faith is worth fighting for because when YOU fight for YOUR faith, each person you ever come in contact with should be noticing your outward change and you sharing your faith with them because they are worth fighting for as much as you are. We fight for our faith to share our faith with others so they can fight for their faith alongside you. Just hearing that yesterday was a good reminder that we as Christians need to be sharing our faith daily by showing others. After church and Antigua we got to go to an orphanage for special needs children and love on them for a little while, there was a few of the kids that stuck around me and another girl for the time we were there and we danced, we sang, and we talked to each other the whole time. Even though many people would classify these kids as "not normal" I definitely wouldn't. They were just like all the other kids I have ever been around, all they wanted was for someone to love on them and be intentional with the time they had together and seeing these kids with a big smile on their face was the best way to end my day. My days are now beginning to be filled with lots of responsibilities, and it is beginning to seem like I need more than 24 hours in a day to get everything done, but I am staying busy and now I am counting down the days for my people (our church group) to get here and I will take the busy days until then. I cannot wait for them to get here, but until then my days will be busy and many many lives will be touched by some awesome people this week.

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